
Order of the stick nale
Order of the stick nale


The comic's central protagonists, known collectively as "The Order of the Stick," or simply The Order, are a party of adventurers who are questing to destroy an evil lich and save the world from his plan to conquer it. Main article: Characters of the Order of the Stick

order of the stick nale

This status quo was broken for the sake of a joke, however, when one character in the online strip claimed that he had told another character something "in one of the Dragon Magazine strips, so not even sure that's the same continuity!" Characters Burlew has stated that the events of the Dragon strips take place in an alternate universe from the online strip, and events in one do not affect the other. None of the villains or supporting characters from the online strip appeared, with the sole exceptions of Mr. The Dragon Magazine version of OOTS featured the same main cast of six adventurers, but saw them adventuring in an unspecified underground location. The following issue, OOTS appeared only in a four-panel strip in the magazine's interior, but by the February 2006 issue, it had returned to a full-page strip on the last page, a position it would hold until the magazine's cancelation in September 2007. The strip debuted in the December issue on the last page of the magazine. On September 30, 2005, Burlew announced that The Order of the Stick would begin appearing in Dragon Magazine, the long-running official D&D magazine. Currently, however, the comic updates on a random schedule due to the author's ongoing health concerns. When presales of the first OOTS compilation book allowed Burlew to make writing his full-time job, he increased the number to three-per-week.


The Order of the Stick has held several different update schedules through the years, beginning as a twice-weekly comic that debuted new strips on Mondays and Thursdays. The cover to Dragon #339 promotes the inclusion of The Order of the Stick by featuring Elan's head in the top left corner of the cover. The comic also features more frequent double- and even triple-page strips than in its early days, where longer strips were reserved for special occasions (such as reaching #200). Burlew also adjusted a number of the colors to reflect changes he had needed to make to the comics when they were first compiled for printing. These changes were humorously acknowledged by the characters themselves when they premiered. After he sprained his wrist in 2005, Burlew used some of the time he took off from the comic to improve the character designs of the main cast, straightening their lines and adding tiny details like the runes stitched along the edge of Vaarsuvius' cloak. In strip #101, the curved and crooked panel borders (which Burlew has since questioned how he could ever have thought were acceptable) are replaced with straight-though still slanted-black lines. The comic has had several upgrades to the art style over its life. The strip was originally produced simply to entertain those who arrived at the site for his articles, but it quickly became the most popular feature on the site (leading him to eventually abandon writing articles entirely).


Initially, the strip was intended to feature no plot whatsoever-depicting an endless series of gags drawn from the D&D rules instead-but Burlew quickly changed his mind, laying down the earliest hints of a storyline as early as strip #13. The Order of the Stick began its run in September 2003 on what was (at the time) Rich Burlew's personal site for gaming articles.

  • 8 The Order of the Stick Adventure Game.
  • However, accounts of major historical events have been portrayed in hand-drawn crayon, while events in the "prequel" print-exclusive stories have been shown in black-and-white-in both cases, to distinguish them from events in the strip's present. The color art is created directly on a computer by Burlew using vector-based illustration software. The comic, whose name is often abbreviated OOTS by fans, is drawn and authored in a deliberate stick figure style by Rich Burlew. Surveys of webcomic site traffic held since May 2007 have consistently placed The Order of the Stick as one of the ten most widely-read webcomics in existence. It also appeared monthly in Dragon Magazine for twenty-two issues.

    order of the stick nale

    While it is principally published on the web, four book collections have been published, including two print-only stories ( On the Origin of PCs and Start of Darkness). The Order of the Stick is a comedic fantasy webcomic that satirizes pencil and paper role-playing games (particularly Dungeons & Dragons and its accompanying system, d20) through the continuing tale of the titular party of adventurers. From Left to Right: Belkar, Vaarsuvius, Elan, Haley, Durkon and Roy.

    Order of the stick nale